Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Research On Facebook and its Privacy Settings

Here I will look at research on Facebook's new layout and privacy settings as its something that has been on the news quite often.

New Facebook Layout (Timeline)
Facebook has now updated their user profile layout to what is known as a timeline. Unfortunately by updating profiles to timeline privacy settings have changed. I've noticed that there are less options to making specific areas of your profile private. Now users can upload a cover photo apart from their profile picture, this image cannot be set to private therefore any Facebook user will be able to see it even if your not friends with them. The timeline is purposely to be able to go back in time and see the users interaction within days, weeks, months and years ago. If this isn't limited in the privacy settings people can track what the user has posted and been tagged in the past. The previous Facebook layout was very simple; posts, images where displayed underneath each other therefore users would find them easily. The new timeline displays things next to each other, they also tend to group things which leads to users being confused as the most recent posts on their profiles is displayed all over the place. I personally have experienced this I sometimes find it hard to find posts displayed on my profile sometimes I'm not even notified that I have a post.

Below is a link on an article of someone who changed their Facebook privacy settings due to their job and invasion of privacy by people whom he knew professionally. In the professional world Facebook is used to judge how people behave therefore people who have their bosses or work companions need to be careful on what they post on their profiles as it can have an affect on their job opportunities. 
Privacy Settings
Below are Facebook statistics gathered in 2010 and 2011:

  • Facebook had 500,000,000 users who are logged onto their profile at any given time.
  • Average Facebook user will have around 130 friends or more.
  • 40% of 18-34 year old Facebook users will check their profiles in the morning mainly when they wake up.
  • 28% of these users check their profiles before they get out of bed in the morning.
  • 74% of Facebook users are 18-24 year olds.
  • 30% of Facebook users are 35+ years old, this percentage is increasing. 
  • More than 700 billion minutes are spent on Facebook per month.
  • 20 million applications and games are installed daily.
  • More than 200 million people use Facebook on their phone.
  • 48% of young users use Facebook to find out news about anything.
  • Within 20 minutes Facebook has around 1 million links shared, 2 million friend requests accepted or declined, around 3 million inboxes or posts are sent,1,484,000 event invites, 1,851,000 status updates, 1,323,000 tagged photos, 2,716,000 uploaded photos, 1,587,000 wall posts, 10,208,000 comments.
  • In 2010 there were many changes in relationship statues: 43,869,800 changed to single, 3,025,791 changed to it's complicated, 36,774,801 changed to married, 28,460,516 changed to in a relationship and 5,974,574 changed to engaged. 
I've researched different websites on Facebook's privacy settings from the researched gathered I found several facts generated from studies carried out:
  • 11% of Facebook users have regretted posting several content on their profiles or others (i.e. friends). 15% of males regret posting content compared to 8% of females.
  • Around 48% men in 2011 seem to have public profiles whereas 67% women have private profiles. 
  • Younger generations tend to keep their privacy settings up to date whereas older generations don't, this could also be due to not using Facebook often.


Research on Adobe Premiere

During Class we covered several features of Adobe Premiere although we didn't cover things in depth therefore I have researched into it further.

There are several types of exporting methods in premiere depending on the method used to allow an audience to view it. This also depends if any further editing that needs to be carried out after premiere. 

Some of the different types of exporting have been displayed below:
  • Exporting a file with intention to edit them further: files can be edited using other software programs. Premiere pro allows users to directly export their project to Adobe Media Encoder which renders the files.
  • Exporting for Blu-ray, DVD and SWF: any project created in premiere can be sent to Adobe Encore to then be able to be converted for DVD and Blue-ray use.
  • Exporting projects to other programs/systems: projects can be exported into EDL files which allow other programs to editing the project. 
  • Exporting projects to hardware (videotape): projects can be exported on to tapes with a supported VTR, this allows users to have edits for screening using VTRs. 
  • Exporting to different types of devices and electronics: projects can now be imported on websites and devices such as mobile phones, HD TV, iPods etc...
Looking at different learning styles, I learnt best by watching tutorials and then carrying them out therefore instead of looking at so much research in text format I watched several videos on Adobe Premiere and exporting.

